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Maximising Efficiency with GPS Asset Trackers and IoT Device Monitoring

GPS Asset Trackers

Maximising Efficiency with GPS Asset Trackers and IoT Device Monitoring

Lost track of critical equipment lately? Or perhaps you’re just grappling with the headaches of running a large fleet of vehicles? It’s more than a headache; it’s reduced your resources and really laid into your productivity. 

Imagine if you could instantly identify and get data for each asset in your portfolio, in real-time. That’s what GPS asset trackers and IoT device monitoring can do for you. The asset tracking market is growing at 17.1% CAGR. In this blog, we will explore how GPS asset tracker and IoT device monitoring are maximising efficiency. 

Decoding GPS Asset Trackers and IoT Device Monitoring

GPS asset trackers are gadgets that use Global Positioning System tech to find assets. This helps them to pinpoint asset locations with remarkable accuracy. But they’re far more than just high-tech location beacons because these GPS asset trackers are integral components of a larger, more complex system especially if you combine them with IoT. IoT technology elevates simple tracking devices into comprehensive monitoring solutions. The marriage of GPS and IoT creates a powerful synergy, dramatically expanding the capabilities of asset management systems.

Modern GPS-IoT hybrid trackers are multifaceted data collection hubs. They don’t just report location data. 

IoT technology elevates simple tracking devices into comprehensive monitoring solutions. The marriage of GPS and IoT creates a powerful synergy, dramatically expanding the capabilities of asset management systems.

Let’s try to understand IoT more closely. It’s actually a very sophisticated platform. This is so because it aggregates but it also analyses data streams from all connected trackers/sensors. 

Here’s a glimpse of what a robust GPS-IoT asset monitoring system can achieve:

  • Provide real-time, granular location data for entire asset portfolios.
  • Generate instant alerts for anomalies or threshold breaches (e.g., unexpected temperature spikes in refrigerated transport).
  • Predict potential equipment failures based on performance data trends.
  • Optimise asset utilisation through detailed usage analytics.
  • Enhance security with geofencing and unauthorised movement detection.

Top 5 Use Cases for GPS Asset Trackers and IoT Device Monitoring

The business world in the status quo is undoubtedly very fast paced. Asset management is a very important component of the business world. GPS asset trackers and IoT device monitoring offer a smart way to manage assets. Let’s look at the top 5 ways to use them:

1. Revolutionizing Fleet Management 

Picture a logistics company with hundreds of trucks. GPS trackers in each truck show where they are. IoT sensors, on the other hand, help with checking fuel use, engine health, and driving habits. 

The main system looks at this data to plan better routes. Moreover, it can also predict when trucks need fixing which makes driving them much safer. This ends up saving fuel, reducing breakdowns, and making everything run smoother.

2. Boosting Construction Site Efficiency 

On a busy construction site, keeping track of gear is tough. GPS trackers on each machine let managers find equipment much faster. IoT sensors monitor how long things are used, fuel levels, and when repairs are needed. This stops theft, keeps equipment running, and makes sure the right tools are always there.

3. Securing High-Value Assets 

For businesses with expensive equipment like art or sensitive tech, security is key. GPS trackers help with tracking such equipment down. IoT sensors can tell if something’s moved or if conditions change. If an asset leaves a set area or gets bumped, the system alerts security right away.

4. Streamlining Supply Chain Management 

Monitoring and overseeing operations In complex supply chains is very important. GPS trackers on shipping containers show real-time locations. IoT sensors, on the other hand, check conditions inside the container. This lets companies track shipments accurately. They can make sure delicate goods are handled right in addition to predicting arrival times. The result? A smoother, more transparent supply chain with fewer losses and delays.

5. Improving Healthcare Asset Management 

More often than not, critical gear like wheelchairs, defibrillators, and infusion pumps is always on the move in hospitals. GPS asset tracking helps staff find needed equipment quickly. This cuts search time and improves patient care. Moreover, IoT sensors can watch usage patterns and maintenance needs. This ensures equipment is always available and working well.

Step-by-Step Guide for Implementing GPS Asset Tracking and IoT Device Monitoring

IoT asset tracking will comprise over 90% of industrial solutions by 2030. Setting up GPS asset trackers and IoT device monitors can really boost your efficiency. Here’s a simple guide to get you started:

1. Start Small 

Begin with a pilot program. Pick a specific department or a few assets to test. This lets you try the system, spot any issues, and show its value before going all-in.

2. Pick the Right Hardware 

Choose GPS trackers and IoT sensors that fit your needs. Think about battery life, toughness, size, and what data you need. Make sure the devices work with your management platform.

3. Set Up Your Management Platform 

Get a central system that can handle data from all your devices. Look for features like real-time tracking and custom alerts. Make sure it’s easy to use and can grow with you.

4. Ensure Good Connectivity 

Make sure your devices can always connect. Depending on where your assets are and how often you need updates, you might use cell networks, satellites, or other options like LoRaWAN.

5. Link with Existing Systems 

For best results, connect your GPS and IoT systems with other business tools. This could be your ERP or maintenance software. It allows for smooth data flow and better insights.

6. Train Your Team 

Teach everyone who’ll use the system. Show them how to use the software and understand the data. Think about naming “champions” in each department to help others so as to drive adoption.

Say Goodbye to Lost Assets and Inefficiencies

It’s clear that GPS asset trackers and IoT device monitoring are game-changers. They’re revolutionising how businesses manage their assets. From better fleet management to clearer supply chain visibility, the uses are vast and the benefits are huge.

So, how do you start with GPS asset tracking and IoT monitoring? Head over to IoT Works. At IoT Works, our experts ensure your business employs the most relevant IoT GPS solutions. Contact Us to transform your business’s efficiency with expert guidance. We’ll help you set up a solid management platform and create clear processes.

By contacting us, you can start enjoying the perks of GPS asset tracking and IoT monitoring. You’ll save time and money by reducing lost assets and inefficiencies. Plus, you’ll gain valuable insights to push your business forward.


1. What kinds of assets work well with GPS tracking and IoT monitoring? 

Almost any physical asset can benefit from this tech. Common examples are vehicles, heavy machinery, portable equipment, shipping containers, and even livestock. If it moves or needs monitoring, it can probably use GPS and IoT tech.

2. Is setting up a GPS asset tracker system expensive? 

Costs can vary a lot depending on how big and complex your system is. But many businesses find that the potential savings far outweigh the initial cost. Some providers offer scalable, pay-as-you-go models to help manage costs.

3. How can I keep the data from GPS asset trackers and IoT sensors safe? 

Data security is a big deal. Look for systems with strong encryption. Set up tough access controls and authentication methods. Regular security checks are also a good idea. Many good providers prioritise security and can guide you on best practices.

4. What skills do we need to set up and run a GPS asset tracking and IoT monitoring system?

The skills you need depend on the solution you choose. But some basic IT knowledge and understanding of data analysis can help. Many providers offer training and ongoing support to help you set up and maintain your system. As you grow, you might want a dedicated team or person to manage it and analyse the data.